Frequently Asked Questions

  How to sign Up on EngineersConnect ?

There are three landing pages for EngineersConnect placements portal - main, job, internship. On each landing page there is link for signing up.

After clicking on sign up you will land on sign up page. Just fill in all necessary details and sign up. You can also use Facebook and Gmail to signup on EngineersConnect.

  How to find Jobs and Internships on EngineersConnect ?

After reaching main landing page of EngineersConnect placements, there are two buttons to navigate between Job section and Internship section.

Select one as per your requirement and click on that. You will be redirected to respective landing page. There you can start searching for jobs and internships

  How to apply for Jobs and Internships on EngineersConnect ?

On landing pages there are recommended jobs / internships. Just click on apply.

If you are not logged in you will be redirected to log in page. Just log in and follow the application procedure.

  What is professional profile on EngineersConnect ?

When i user signs up on EngineersConnect, a professional profile of user gets created with default fields. This professional profile is user's professional identity.

User scores are displayed on this profile and this profile is recommended to recruiters after applying to job. We recommend to keep your professional profile updated.

  What is EngineersConnect score & how it gets calculated ?

EngineersConnect score is given to each user of EngineersConnect. When user registers on EC and starts participating in different activities like sharing materials, helping other engineers on EC, getting profile likes, help likes, then this score starts getting generated.

Time spent by user on all these practical activities is recorded, processed and score is generated. There are total four scores - EngineersConnect Score, Productive Time Spent, Profile Likes & Engineers Helped.

  Why EngineersConnect score is important ?

EngineersConnect score is reflection of users practical involvement in sctivities. This score generated is referred by recruiters. Depending on the scores job applications can get sorted.

More the EngineersConnect score more are the chances of standing out of crowd and getting prioritized by recruiters